Tag Archives: reflections

Reflection 1

For the past two weeks I have tried to blog and tweet at least once a day. That did not happen. I read blogs and tweets at least once a day, but realized anew what I already knew: time management is not my forte. Neither is generating a lot of writing in a short amount of time. I tend to ponder and let things percolate for quite awhile before I commit anything to paper, or in this case, screen. So, here I am. The trying was valuable, and I haven’t given up hope just yet.

As I drove home from teaching a bunch of grumpy students today, I listened to The Circuit with Kari Miller. She had on as a guest this morning Clive Thompson, who was making the case that rather than making us stupid, technology is changing our brains for the better. You can listen to the interview here. As I drove home pondering this post and listening to Thompson, I am glad I took on this challenge.

Anyway, the blog, though slowly moving and still finding a focus, has been rewarding. Twitter is a little less so. Too much of a blending of selves. As in, too many (high school) students out there following, retweeting, having no filters. It is not entirely comfortable for me. I honestly am still trying to sort that one out.

I also ventured into RSS universe via feedly. I have not become enamored of it, yet. We will see how that one goes.

SO, my plan for the next week:

  • give up blogging once a day and work on a chunk of blogs during the days I have more open-ended periods of time.
  • increase my comfort level on Twitter ever-so-slightly.
  • download the Feedly app and see if that makes the RSS heavens open and light shine down upon, well, something.

What I did manage to do on this blog this week (in case you missed any of it):

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Posted by on January 27, 2014 in books, media, reflections


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dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free

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