
Hmmm … I greatly dislike introducing myself in writing, which is interesting, considering I make my students do it all the time.  There, a disclaimer, which I also tell my students to never do.  I should have named this blog “Do as I Say, Not as I Do.”

Anyway, I am a grad student working on my MS in English (this should be the last semester, provided I can get my thesis done, which right now appears in my dreams as Harry Potter’s The Monster’s Book of Monsters chewing its way through my stomach lining). I also am a coach of a high school speech team. Coaching speech is the career-type thing I have done the longest — it never gets old.  I have also been a high school English teacher, comp and A & E instructor here at BSU, a grant writer,  and a data collector for Child Care Resource and Referral offices.  There is more, but those are the things that come to mind at the present time.

I live out in the sticks a bit (literally — surrounded by sticks, both dead and still growing), with my husband, kids, dog, cat, and chickens.  I love to grow things, read, discuss, and get aggravated with politicians. In my recent burst of thesis-related procrastination, I have also taught myself to knit using you-tube videos.  I made two hats and a scarf over break.  It is surprisingly relaxing.  Not the purl stitches, though, those suck.

You can follow me on Twitter


2 responses to “About

  1. jennifervonohlen

    January 18, 2014 at 12:06 am

    That’s funny you learned how to knit via YouTube, because I learned how to arm knit there last semester.

    I look forward to reading your posts!


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dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

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