Monthly Archives: March 2014

Reflection 6

Well, another week zipped by. Another week of wiki work. My goal for this week was to move out of thread mode and create some content in document mode. In that I was successful. I slogged through some information about WikiLiteracy on that page, after I went on a meandering tour through some theory about what literacy actually is. It is not so easy to define. I was hoping someone would come along and rescue me from that bog, but it was not to be. I am not done with that page at all. I plan to keep pushing on until I have something in each area.


I had fun on LoadedWords turning Jen’s long list of examples into a table. I thought it made the list easier to read. Then I threw Newt Gingrich in there and linked to his 1996 GOPAC memo. It seemed to fit.

The trouble I had last week was the usual –finding open-ended chunks of time to work. I spent way too much time researching and melting my brain thinking about all sorts of possibilities before settling on WikiLiteracy. And then I realized literacy itself is more of a theoretical discussion. More brain contortions and attempts to have a discussion with myself. That used to be more fun.

There was less collaboration this week, and that was less fun as well. Instead of going around in circles about literacy, I should have jumped in where someone else already was and gone with that. The lack of collaboration is really my own fault. I realized that late in the week and poked around other pages (This is how I ended up tinkering around with LoadedWords).

Ah well. Onwards.

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Posted by on March 3, 2014 in Uncategorized

dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free

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