Reflection 4

17 Feb

Well, I shifted gears this week. Instead of trying to wrap my head around something new, I gave some thought and insight about a topic I already knew something about. It felt like a little bit of a cop-out, actually, but my brain needed a rest. And I really do like wikis.

I did dig a little deeper into what other people do with wikis in classrooms and courses.  I also looked for some research-type studies on their effectiveness (also some pedagogical stuff).  I need to keep digging there, I think. I know I have not fully realized the capabilities of the wiki in my class.  I planned my wiki to fit into what I was already doing, but didn’t spend a lot of time looking at what else it could do. I could be doing so much more cool stuff with it. This is a work in process (as is all teaching, really).

I was inspired by this video this week:

It’s all about how you set things up.

Anyway, this was a week of reflective thinking about my teaching style and what I am doing in my classroom and how it all ties together, as hopefully it does.

As with the last couple of weeks, I feel like I have just touched the surface of this topic.  I am wondering if there might be a written comprehensive in this somewhere, which would allow me to dig into the literature on  higher ed and wikis a bit more.  Sigh.  There are never enough hours in the day.

My posts this week:

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Posted by on February 17, 2014 in reflections


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